جامعة النور - كلية الهندسة
Dept. of Petroleum Engineering
صرح علمي
تعليم وتدريب
علمي ونظري

About the Department

The establishment of the Petroleum Engineering Department at Alnoor University in Nineveh Governorate will significantly impact the advancement of Iraq's oil industry, which relies on exploring new oil fields. This department promises to be one of the leading institutions in graduating and developing a scientifically and technically qualified engineering and professional cadre. These graduates will be capable of making sound decisions to address challenges and solve problems in petroleum engineering, thereby supporting national oil companies and institutions. Students will receive a comprehensive program of scientific and engineering courses designed to match the standards of renowned local, Arab, and international universities. The support and endorsement of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research for such projects and academic institutions represent a significant step toward a bright and prosperous future for our dear students in our great Iraq.

Department Objectives

Graduating engineering cadres with high skills and professional ethics. Enhancing the educational and administrative processes in alignment with international accreditation standards to achieve the vision. Improving the capabilities of the teaching staff and attracting qualified professionals to the college. Strengthening community and external institutions' confidence in the college's outputs. Promoting scientific and practical training for students in collaboration with foreign companies operating in the oil fields of Basra.

Department vision

The mission of the Petroleum Engineering Department is to educate and prepare specialized petroleum engineers who are capable of holding various positions in both the public and private sectors. At the same time, the department aims to shape them into responsible citizens who are committed to human and ethical values, and who are aware of their duties towards their religion, nation, and people.

Department Mission

Petroleum Engineering is the key contributor to preparing qualified graduates who will drive the development of the oil and gas industry in Iraq. The Petroleum Engineering Department at Alnoor University strives to achieve leadership and excellence in its field both locally and regionally.

Graduate Description

A graduate of Petroleum Engineering with a bachelor's degree is expected to be proficient in exploration processes, identifying geological formations that contain oil, and drilling oil wells. They can work alongside geologists in drilling, designing, and constructing oil wells. Additionally, they may work as oil and gas production engineers and participate in refining operations. They can also contribute to the engineering and construction of oil reservoirs, which play a key role in optimal recovery processes. Furthermore, a petroleum engineer can assist in estimating the number of oil wells to be drilled in discovered oil fields by simulating the field's actual conditions and conducting economic assessments using advanced software designed for this purpose. Petroleum engineers may be required to work continuously in various fields, locations, and countries worldwide, which allows them to enhance their skills and capabilities. As a result, they may eventually become managers or even founders of their own oil companies or executives at global oil corporations.

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First Stage



General Geology 8
Mathematics I 6
Computer Programming I 6
Static & Dynamic 4
Engineering Drawing & Descriptive Geometry 4
Analytical Chemistry 3
Physics 3
Human Rights and Democracy 2
English Language 2
Arabic Language Without Units

Second Stage



Structural Geology 6
Mathematics II 6
Fluid Mechanics 5
PE Fundamentals 4
Computer Programming II 4
Thermodynamics 3
Strength of Materials 3
Petroleum Properties 2
English Language II 2

Third Stage



Petroleum Machinery Engineering I 8
هندسة حفر الابار النفطيةI 8
تخطيط الابار 6
الرياضيات الهندسية 6
هندسة انتاج النفطI 4
اقتصاديات هندسة النفط 4
الإحصاء الهندسي 2
الجيوفيزياء 2
اللغة الإنكليزيةIII 2

Fourth Stage



هندسة المكائن النفطية II 6
هندسة انتاج النفطII 6
هندسة حفر الابار النفطيةII 6
الطرق العددية والمحاكاة المكمنية 6
الطرق الثانوية لاستخراج النفط 6
المشروع الهندسي 4
تكنلوجيا الغاز 3
بحوث العمليات 3
English Language IV 2








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يحتوي الموقع على مجموعه من كتب الخاصة بشرح مواضيع رسم الهندسة الوصفية
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3soaneemrana.comموقع _

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4The British Geological Survey- Discovering GeologyClick here
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المرحلة الاولى الكورس الاول

عدد الوحداتالمادة باللغة الانكليزيةالمادة بالغة العربيةاسم التدريسيS
6Mathematics Iالرياضيات Iم . م نبأ محمد ضياء1.    
6Analytical ChemistryAnalytical Chemistryمروان2.    
3Computer Programming Iبرمجة الحاسوب Iم. م حمزة غزوان3.    
4Descriptive Geometryالهندسة الوصفيةم .د نوفل ادريس حسن علي 4.    
2Arabic LanguageArabic Languageم .م اشواق بشار حميد5.    
2Human Rights and Democracyالديمقراطية و حقوق الانسانم .م زينب احمد عبد الحميد 6.    
7General GeologyGeneral Geology

أ . م. د طه حسين علي محمد

م. د مجاهد عبدالواحد سعدالله جرجيس


المرحلة الاولى الكورس الثاني

عدد الوحداتالمادة باللغة الانكليزيةالمادة بالغة العربيةاسم التدريسيS
6Mathematics IIالرياضيات IIم . م نبأ محمد ضياء1.    
7General GeologyGeneral Geology

أ . م. د طه حسين علي محمد

م. د مجاهد عبدالواحد سعدالله جرجيس

3PhysicsPhysicsأ. م. د. سناء فتحي3.    
5Statics and Dynamicsالميكانيك الهندسيم .م خالد إبراهيم حسن عيدان 4.    
4Engineering Drawingالرسم الهندسيم. د نوفل ادريس حسن علي 5.    
2English Language اللغة الانكليزيةم. م مزهر غدير علي6.    
2Work shop technology تكنلوجيا الورشةم .م خالد إبراهيم حسن عيدان 7.    

المرحلة الثانية الكورس الاول

عدد الوحداتالمادة باللغة الانكليزيةاسم المادة بالعربيةاسم التدريسيS
6Structural GeologyStructural Geologyا. م. د عبد العظيم محمود محمد ذنون 1.    
6Mathematics IIIMathematics IIم . م نبأ محمد ضياء2.    
5Fluid MechanicsFluid Mechanicsم .م خالد إبراهيم حسن عيدان 3.    
4PE Fundamentals PE Fundamentalsم. د عصام محمد صالح يوسف 4.    
4Computer Programming IIComputer Programming IIم. م حمزة غزوان5.    
3Thermodynamics* ثرموداينميك م .م خالد إبراهيم حسن عيدان 6.    
2Petroleum Properties* خواص النفط

م. د عصام محمد صالح يوسف     

أ. م. د عبد العظيم محمود محمد ذنون

2English Language English Language IIم. م مزهر غدير علي8.    

المرحلة الثانية الكورس الثاني

عدد الوحداتالمادة باللغة الانكليزيةاسم المادة بالعربيةاسم التدريسيS
6Structural GeologyStructural Geologyأ. م. د عبد العظيم محمود محمد ذنون1.    
6Mathematics IIIMathematics IIم . م نبأ محمد ضياء2.    
5Fluid MechanicsFluid Mechanicsم .م خالد إبراهيم حسن عيدان 3.    
4PE Fundamentals PE Fundamentalsم. د عصام محمد صالح يوسف     4.    
4Computer Programming IIComputer Programming IIم. م حمزة غزوان5.    
3Strength of Materials* مقاومة المواد 6.    
2English Language English Language IIم. م مزهرغدير علي7.    
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